Well well well... does Genshin want to us to see higher dimensions? 'Cause I just did

I'd be stunned if this actually inspired the upcoming event.

The video by The Science Elf will give you best idea of how we understand the dimensions but to summarize it ... we we observe the shadow of a 3d object it appears like a 2d projection on the surface. By this logic 3d objects such as.. ourselves could be projection of 4d... and so on. Therefore what is shape, what is reality for which to percept we have no neurons developed..  

But let's look at the event first:

And let's see some example of beautiful light and shadow art:

First picture reminds me of Teyvat's sky dome we can observe at night. The second one makes me think of the Abyss, above and below. 

I cant wait to read more of this vent descriptions to connecting to this idea. But I wonder while rotating the shapes to get the correct shadow on the screen.. will we see the shadows of something else as well?
