[Genshin Impact theory] The elements of memory 2.1

 Previously I dug deep into the seven elements, trying to find connection between them other than the rainbow. Evenso they are obviously related to the Light as is they are part of it, spread... Therefore there must be something that refracts the light, a prism. But more over we know that the elements are not exactly the elements that are representation of the elemental power are not the elements that construct the world of Teyvat. They are dangerous (not only because the pop up as slimes from everywhere attacking you on your way). Before I tried to understand them through the concept of containing memory and I still think that this is a good way to know how they might work. Each of them can contain memory in a philosophical aspect but also, since they are not chemical elements either, maybe they are the memory itself.

Please, ignore any typos, i type my thoughts here directly, not posting after revising the text. 

We know that the elemental energy is the pure element. The slimes (and the hyposthais) are pure energy. But here I'd mention the slimes only since we have all the 7 types of slimes currently on the game. We wonder what kind of element is dendro, asuuming that it must be 'living' unlike the other six. It is the element of Forest, trees, plants in general. However... aren't all the slimes living. Somehow the other elements also create living things, the slimes have some sort of 'lifespan'. 

Slime Condensate: A thick coating found on slimes. Most commonly seen material in elemental workshops.
Slime Secretions: Mildly purified slime secretions. Harmful to the skin. Please avoid direct exposure.
Slime Concentrate: Concentrated slime essence. When left on its own, it will begin to move on its own.

Each of the slimes left behind the same concentrate. And some energy or will keeps on making it grow into a slime. 

Dendro-Processed Berry: It's a berry that's been digested by a Dendro Slime. From the outside, it appears the same as any other Ordinary berry. Will using it for herbal medicine really have any effect?

So dendro appears like any other ordinaty living being but it is not, therefore... dendro can't be too different from other 6 elements.

Elemental Reactions are triggered by applying certain combinations of elemental effects on a target (enemies, players or objects).

They are not completely the same but I think the elemental reactions are also type of transition process in which damage is caused. But what type of matter the elements are?

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.

What we do is generally transforming energy, therefore I don't think the elements we see in any form are particles in the same meaning as they'd construct the world around, they are rather spiritual or out of the physical world. In a way they are the same as the ghost from Tsurumi island. They are memories. Memories in the meaning of they are energy shaped or restored with information, or knowledge. In the same way you can construct diamond or graphite of carbon atoms on Genshin the elements are 'constructs' of Light. Yes light. 

Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. 

The elements are less or more the same energy percepted as spectrum of colors. And it interacts with the eye. Yes that eye also called Vision.

On a side note: Seven are the colors of the visible spectrum

Everybody can see the elemental energy in Teyvat tho, it is not a secret. But only few gain a Vision so they can use it. Because of... ambition, of their determination. Even Qiqi who seems lost in time, she too has her determination - to live. Even without deeper analysis we can clearly see how characters using the same element share similar characters traits. And these are less or more connected with the shared divine ideal representing each 'element'. 

In the way that pyro coresponds with fire and anemo with wind or air, dendro does with plants. But Just as hydro is not water, dendro is not exactly plant. But being called element means that these 7 also are part of some wolrd construct, maybe from different world... We can stretch it in two directlions: first these elements are projection of the light or the Heavens or Celestia being equivalents of the Earth's constructs for what the Heavens are made of, or that they are the oposite of the know elements therefore they originate from the Abyss. Or both, in the meaning of they originate from the Heavens but they have become known through the Abyss.

Each element creates shapes that ressemble somethig familiar but it is not exactly the same. But each shape contains some memory, information. But something is lacking. Therefore even the geo constructs fade away from the battlefield. To cast elemental burst we first need to collect elemental particles and orbs, we need energy. And we get these when enemeies lose HP. Some characters' skill generate more particles. And also despite coresponding with the element that creates them... the particles fuel our energy regardless. Because... it's the energy we use to reshape into an element. Because energy is not created or destroyed, it is always around. 

Diamond and graphite are two allotropes of carbon: pure forms of the same element that differ in crystalline structure.

 Allotropes are different structural modifications of an element

And we have the allogenes, the vision holders, the different people, who are closer to the divine.

So I think that the seven elements are rather alotropes of on element, the light. And also this is why the Traveler can resonate with each statue of the Seven becoming able to use each element - the traveler holds the light (not even by name) therefore what they need to do is to refract their own ability and they do this by resonating with the statues. And touching object by the way is the most common way known for reading memories, but rather to experience someone's memories.

Yet again to recall the Manicheism's belief that divine light is often trapped on Earth, even in plants. Even the plants are different because some might be living. But not all of them. But this light can be trapped anywhere around us, maybe because it was refracted thus searching to become one again.

And finally we dug deep enough to the absense of light, aka the Abyss. Where memories fade. If the darkness is the absense of ligth then the power from beyond is also the light and the dakrness is when or if that power was lost. Or forgotten... 

Only stretched toughs below.

This whole overthinking came as an attempt to unify the elements and to somehow justify dendro as not so different element. I'd like to think that the game was just not fully developed when it was released. Or  that it is part of the plan, to keep some things in secret, to make us wonder more. 

Next thing I wonder about is the sound of each element which is also bent within the game mechanics. The visions have sound when you switch between the characters but only when they are fully charged with energy. My knowledge in music theory is as absend as the light from the abyss but I can count.. to 7.

In European music theory, most countries use the solfège naming convention 

There is no missing chess piece on the loading screen, the chess theory must be hidden somewhere else.

If someone listens to the notes on the game they might even be able to confirm if they match. Even if they don't come in that order, then they still come in some order therefore.. they could... be playable.

And this ralates to the elements because.. the sound waves are type of energy.

But in Teyvat there must be this type of energy we have not known yet. But do people in Teyvat really know it. They don't seem to question it this much as if it natural to them but then it is dangerous too... 

The power from beyond the prism.
