[Genshin Impact Theory] Baal, Raiden and the Electromagnetism


It starts with thunder.

Inazuma has arrived and everybody is digging deep into all the beautiful lore and symbolism coming from Japan, meanings and myths that represent the life in its short and fleeing nature. But also in is cycling eternity. Eternity that we don't exactly see in Inzuma. And the transient nature of the Thunder is not exactly infinite and unending... Maybe because it was never meant to be seen by mortals, nor experienced. So where is it to be found? I think I found a way to explain it.  But we need way too many thoughts to be stick around because the idea is revolving and incomplete.

Some links first:

 And disclaimer:
!!! This is just a small theory about how the story of Teyvat might be built. You must not accept it as valid fact within the game but if it makes you think on your own and do your own research - feel free to travel into the world of theories !!!
!!! I love and appreciate all of the research people do to create their theories and I don't want to repeat or copy from them, I hope my small theories find place into the big picture.!!!
!!! links of sources within the text below !!!

It comes the theory of two archons, or the flawed vessel. I won't talk about Scaramouche, people already have. To me what is interesting is that the lightning occures between two electrically charged regions positive and negative (both in the atmosphere or with one on the ground) while the thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Everything about Raiden Shogun and Baal is dual in every possible way (besides the three figures with hoods on the wall in one of the domain which also have horns, one has 2 horns two have only one.. just whyyyy; and the moon appearing everywhere and the three moons stories; Raiden's hair has three violet lines lacing in her braid...). Anyway the whole nature of the electro element heavily supports the theories or vessels/clones but in which way they'd be presented to us we can't say certainly. 

Then during the Archon quest we finally met Raiden Shogun and withnessed her power attracting the vision of Thoma. (That is another theory but if each archon gives vision representing their own element why and how Baal takes all kind of visions away just like this since they were given by others...). Anyways this is a leak but Baal's idle animation appears to be a small bird flying to her and resting on her finger for a moment. Why a bird? Because birds use the magnetic fields of the Earth to navigate their way to the places they fly. Because Raiden possess the attractive and reppulsive powers of magnetism and because the magnetism fate is intertwined with electro.

Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions (commonly called forces) in nature, that is also said to hold the whole world together. It is invisible which can be ralated to Bael's power of granting invisibility. The Eternity is invisible but it is there as an electromagnetic field that grants protection. And I think this is the deeper understanding of Baal's character we can't yet see. (We also can't see Celestia from Inazuma.. because we are protected? Or because this is not Celestia at all..)
However we see her idels seems to be changed. Or rather reversed. In a way as the magnetic poles are said to shift causing cataclysm (Geomagnetig Reversal that would throw us into Teyvat's world model theory, check dynamo action). Does she feel like something like this is about to happen out of her control so she wants to prevent it? In any meaning Electro and Thunder just doesn't come as one. Thunder has lightning, lightning flashed between two polar charged areas, electricity comes in a couple with magnetism (In addition, relativity theory implies that in moving frames of reference, a magnetic field transforms to a field with a nonzero electric component and conversely, a moving electric field transforms to a nonzero magnetic component, thus firmly showing that the phenomena are two sides of the same coin. Hence the term "electromagnetism".), Raijin comes with Fujin...

To support that I'd point that our other two known Archons also have dual powers. Barbatos rules the wind that spreads the seeds on life in the air but also the animals, I'd say the movement and motion of the life. While Morax represents the complete oposite - the solids, the binding by contracts and knowledge and also the memory carved into the solids by the ley lines. The elements are not just display of power they are sustaining the world of Teyvat and Baal despite being presented as a worrior is also possessing a power that is not only destructive but that holds the world together. 


Honkai's references 

For the fact that Mihoyo's recreting elements of Honkai within Genshin and besides the obvious fact that Raiden Shogun is created under the image of Raiden Mei I wanted to point something. Mei loses her Herrscher core but also manages to manifest electro powers without it. Less or more like a Archon can still use their element without their gnosis. But more over after Mei understands that Kiana is infected so bad by the Herrscher cores in her body, Mei decides to become the Herrscher of Thunder once again in order to reduce Kiana's sufferring and hopefully to save her. To regain power so she can continue the battle against the honkai. Therefore she willingly joins The world serpent organisation.

In Kazuha's trailer Raiden Shogun was shown with one glowing eye which is mark of corruption and the Abyss within Genshin. And it gets me thinking that Raiden Shogun might have wilingly make a chose to gain from the Abyssal power in order to sustain her eternity but maybe got corrupted? If the Tsaritsa grants delusions and has some control over the Abyssal power maybe the Shogun has too. Maybe the corruption in this world comes when human desires to possess a power that is not naturally given to them. But maybe that applies to the gods too, because they are not original gods but just vessels. 

And dr. MEI's father was an electromagnetic psysicist.

To be updated.
