[Genshin Impact Theories] The memory of seasons and the mental sense of time.

Seasons are definitelly part of Genshin but they seem to be more of a memory than presenting into people's life. And traveler's too.
I've seen a post where probably the devs replay that they are working on a weather system back in 2020 but where is it... Shouldn't the game be launched with it to begin with or they really need time because such massive and still growing map cannot simply be transformed by seasons. 
We see hints about seasons, we have the tiaras artifacts, Kazuha's design with autunm maple leaves, a whole patch under the title of Midsummer adventures. The story didn't feel summer to me...
The only obvious reason for the missing seasons to me is the same for why the moon has no cycle and it is always full. The sky is not real... But to what extend?
We've seen the night sky, the pattern when you look straight up at it. We also see all the beautiful colorful passages in the night sky. They look pretty real unlike the rest of the stars. Almost like they are visible throught raptures into the fake sky.
The astrolabe world structure as many suggest is very possible choice for Teyvat's creation and the game mechanics support it. The Earth rotation causes the day and night and the earth's revolving around the sun and the tilted axis - the seasons. On our Earth. If something about it changes life would be in danger. Therefore I don't want to think that Teyvat's been through cataclism of such extend as the earth stopped rotating. Or the axis is changed.
I wonder if we'd find those answers or at least some of them at Sumeru or the Academia is foolishly involved into seeking more trivial matters turning them into science while ignoreing the actual questions people should make about their world.

People have very strong mental senses of time in it's flow from past to future, in other words we remember the past, not the future even if the laws of physics don't define time as moving in just one way. It appears that they way we memorize happenings makes us aware of things and gives us the sense of time, because ouur brain orders them for us, past to present. The reverse time direction seems unnatural. But it doesn't break the laws of physics. 
Entropy is a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. Entropy is also against the concept of Fate we have in Genshin and in Honkai Impact we have the Anti-Entropy organisation which appears to work with science to create technology that'd.. as I understand it - prevent randomness. Cause they are called Anti-Entropy right... They try to prevent the loss of information in this world, could that also be a way to never lose our humanity?
Physics laws suggest that with the enough calculations we could predict what'd happen to objects, we'd also reverse process if we reverse the time arrow, because we can potentially reall of the information about anything in its present state. Hoever lots of information is lost, in time.

And that is related to Genshin impact because of the way Teyvat is fighting the randomness by dealing people's fate into constellations. It more and more makes Teyvat looks like an artificial world and there is nothing bad about this if it is true, maybe we are just not yet ready to discover this and discover who is actually behind this human project. We are already aware of this in fact, of how someone arranged this world, observing it, controlling it.

An Astrolabe is anti-entropy mechanism of randomness and an astrolabe-like world model fits into the Honkai Anti Entropy ideas. Ideals.. Machines however can break or be broken. And so can be fait but Teyvat seems to be build with fait and fate. 

Mysterium Cosmographicum (lit. The Cosmographic Mystery, alternately translated as Cosmic Mystery, The Secret of the World, or some variation) is an astronomy book by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler, published at Tübingen in 1597 and in a second edition in 1621. Kepler proposed that the distance relationships between the six planets known at that time could be understood in terms of the five Platonic solids, enclosed within a sphere that represented the orbit of Saturn.
This book explains Kepler's cosmological theory, based on the Copernican system, in which the five Platonic solids dictate the structure of the universe and reflect God's plan through geometry

Maybe Teyvat is the oposite - covering the science plan with image of god. Of seven gods.

If Teyvat is in  the middle of such construction there are many possibilities of possible orbits and direction. But this is not the only possibiliy. Teyvat could be as well part, remaining of the real world, or a world that  has just a cover from the real sky and actually rotetes perfectly normal and revolves around a star. Because after all the weird posibilities if we expand our thinking over the fake sky of Teyvat there must be space, there must be real stars.

If we were born with the mechanisms of sensing time, or knowing seasons without realy experience them. In Teyvat people don't exactly question things, so maybe they just know seasons exist.. somewhere. 
The issue with the seasons is that they represent the cycle of life. The same cycle predicts unevidable cataclisms, also the Samsara wheel, everything that had to be broken or cut, or overcome. But entropy never decreases over time, it's constant.

The possibility of all of the things changed during Khaenri'ah fall is also a strong theory. Maybe during these dark times the moons were lost, maybe also the seasons. 
What if the arrow of time was change in a way that caused the people of Khaenri'ah lose their identity because of the change of the direction failed to restore the information so therefore they ended in a state of corruption. What is happening with the time in the Abyss?
If the Abyss is higher level dimension where people meet powers from beyond our senses something so strong that it can revert us, to revert even the time. 

But lets reach further. If Teyvat really is artificial in the sense of being locked into an astrolabe which is not only a handheld model of the universe but also an instrument to measure, calculate and identify... on a larger scale does it measure something in Teyvat? Maybe humanity? Because the anti entropy only works if our data is always accutrate, if we don't just try to restore something by reading its past but by measuring everything and keeping this data accurate to the present moment. 

Just because it'd be too simple if it was just the moon not revolving around the earth but being fixed behind it so we'd only withness the full moon. Why not if everything.. is fixed on purpose.

I find every theory about the world structure interesting - astrolabe, snowglobe, celestiacentric
